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[Closed] P.C.F

1 Posts
1 Users
Project Manager Project Manager
Joined: 10 months ago
Posts: 5
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Rules for filing a complaint:
  • The topic should be designed strictly according to the form;
  • The topic title should briefly describe the essence of the problem and the nickname of the administrator who issued the penalty (otherwise, the checking administrator has the right to refuse to consider the complaint).

Example#1: Demorgan for DM| Reven

Example#2: Warn for SK| John Fin

Example#3: Ban for Cheats| Rog Shizu

  • Spam with the same type of topics is prohibited;
  • It is forbidden to insult anyone and provoke insults;
  • The screenshot should be uploaded to, or / The video should be uploaded to;
  • An overabundance of BB codes in the topic is prohibited.
Typing in thread if you are not related to situation is strictly forbidden. It will lead to forum account ban

The administrator has the right to refuse to consider the complaint if:

  • The complaint is not in the form of a complaint;
  • Evidence is cropped or edited;
  • Evidence uploaded to other sources;
  • Missing screenshot of the penalty issue;
  • It has been more than 2 days since the issuance of the penalty (there are exceptions);
  • The complaint contains insults, impertinence or inadequacy;
  • The complaint is filed by a person who is not related to the situation.
  • The complaint has to be filed in the correct order

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